Group Leader/Principal investigator
Hsi-Cheng Ho
Assistant Professor
My academic interest lies at the intersection of animal behaviour and community ecology. Specifically, I am particularly curious about how behaviours could scale up to determine community-level ecological phenomena such as the structure and dynamics of complex ecological networks. I received my PhD from Imperial College London, where I studied how foraging behaviour influences food webs with Profs Samraat Pawar and Jason Tylianakis. I was subsequently a postdoctoral researcher at EAWAG with Prof Florian Altermatt, studying multiple types of ecological networks at the landscape scale in Switzerland and Germany. I joined IEEB National Taiwan University as an Assistant Professor in 2023.
Current Members
Yun-Chen Hsieh
PhD Student & Research Assistant
How plants have evolved to interact with the environment, especially their pollination and seed dispersal, have always piqued my curiosity. The scope of my research interest has been expanded to community level during my assistant career in Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. I joined Dr. Hsi-Cheng Ho’s lab in 2023 to study network ecology for my PhD research. The aim of my research is to disentangle the forming mechanism of the structure of pollination networks, based on the behavioral decisions of the pollinators, as well as the spatial and temporal distribution of flowers. Besides my scientific interests, I am a natural history enthusiast.